Hi. I'm Savva Sicevs
UX/UI designer with a unique life background
I am skilled in Figma and a variety of other design software.
A hard worker and focused on personal growth.
''My Creative Journey''
4 -7 Childhood: Discovering Creativity
From a young age, I was drawn to creativity and art. I had a strong passion for coloring books, drawing, and Legos. I loved taking these sources and tweaking them, coming up with new ideas and concepts.
From a young age, I was drawn to creativity and art. I had a strong passion for coloring books, drawing, and Legos. I loved taking these sources and tweaking them, coming up with new ideas and concepts.
During my kindergarten years, I was enrolled in an art class, which further fueled my creative journey.
7-14 School Years: Balancing Creativity and Life
As I moved into my school years, I became busy with school, various sports, and friendships. The time I could spend on creative projects became more limited as other responsibilities took over.
However, I found a way to keep my creative spirit alive by always taking care of presentations, posters, and art for every personal, group, and science project I worked on. I also attended an art class after school whenever possible.
However, I found a way to keep my creative spirit alive by always taking care of presentations, posters, and art for every personal, group, and science project I worked on. I also attended an art class after school whenever possible.
14 -17 Middle School: Sports and Art
In middle school, my studies and sports career became more serious. I had constant ice hockey practices and games. I spent my time either in school or abroad in games and tournaments.
Despite my busy schedule, I always kept a notebook and pencils close in case I had some spare time during the trips. I started an Instagram page to showcase some of my work and grow a following. I received positive feedback so, I got myself a powerful laptop and a drawing tablet, to further pursue art.
17- 19 High School: Artistic Exploration in Sweden
In high school, I went abroad to Sweden to further pursue my hockey development. While there, I focused all my free time on exploring various art mediums.
I dabbled in digital painting, vector illustrations and logos, 2D animations, 3D modeling, and video editing.
Over those years, I started countless social media accounts, showcasing the work I created in the evenings. I explored the world of freelance, print-on-demand, and social media marketing.
20 Discovering UI/UX Design
Eventually, I came across UI design in some of my projects and that got me started on the journey of specializing in UX/UI.
20 - 21 Life After School: Independence and Challenges
After school, I stayed in Sweden and continued with hockey. I supported myself by working in a logistics company and bartending on the weekends.
I had to fully support myself, from finding a place to live, to food, healthcare, and legal documents. On top of that, I traveled to keep in touch with my family and friends.
During that year, I got to face the real world, and my free time became scarce.
21 Current Pursuits: A New Chapter
This past year, I decided it was time for a change, so I did a UX course and refined my UI skills by designing every day for 90 days. Eventually, I started to receive freelance opportunities.
Right now, I am looking to turn this into a full-time career, motivated to grow either in freelance or in a job environment.
I also Love Music
When I need to concentrate and boost my productivity during work, I often turn to calming melodies and rhythmic beats to help me stay focused and energized.